Dogs go outside not only to cope with their natural need under the bush. Walking is also important for a number of other needs.
- Keeping fit
No matter how spacious the house is, only on the street can the dog run and play enough. If you walk your pet very rarely, it will not have the best effect on its appearance and health.
Dogs are naturally very active and inquisitive creatures (with a few exceptions), which need to splash out the accumulated energy.
- Development of thinking
In your apartment, everything is familiar to the dog, because he has long studied every corner up and down. But on the street wet-nosed opens an interesting and wonderful world full of new information. Here recently another dog walked and marked a lamppost. And here the yard cats were sorting out the relationship in the morning. For you it all seems absolutely unimportant, but this is how the dog learns the world and learns to analyze. And developing thinking for dogs is just as important as maintaining muscle tone.
- Communication with your own kind
Imagine that you would sit at home all day and not communicate with people at all. An unenviable fate, isn’t it? The same applies to our favorites. It is very important for them to contact their relatives, get to know them, play and have fun together.
Only a sociable dog will be predictable and safe for those around him. Socialization is extremely important for all quadrupeds, without exception.
- An opportunity to get closer
If you need to go to work and be out until the evening, you can socialize and strengthen your friendship with your dog on walks through games, training, and a regular promenade in the park. Communication with the owner is necessary for every dog.
So, we made it clear that walking is a very important part of any dog’s life. However, not all dogs need games, physical activity and long walks to and fro.
It is important to consider some points in order to determine the appropriate number of walks and their duration for your favorite ponytail. We will talk about this further.
Do all dogs need long daily walks?

Let’s answer right away – no. To determine the optimal time for walking, it is important to consider not only the breed of the dog, but also other aspects. But first things first.
- Breed
There are very energetic breeds that need not just walks, but active movements and games.
Don’t assume that the larger the dog, the longer it will take to walk. Compact Jack Russell Terriers are known for their restlessness and restlessness, so short and slow walks are definitely not for them. Some large dogs (St. Bernard, Newfoundlen, Chow Chow, American Bulldog, etc.). – on the contrary, they are real phlegmatic and couch potatoes, they just like unhurried, calm walks.
Decorative and mini-dogs can walk for 1 hour a day. They don’t really need vigorous games, and part of the walk can take place in the hands of the owner. Small breeds are perfectly accustomed to a diaper or tray and are unlikely to be delighted with going outside in inclement weather.
On average, active dogs are recommended to walk at least 2 hours a day, ideally 4 hours. However, if today you do not have time, then you can safely shorten the walking time. There are special games in order to quickly “exhaust” the dog.
Companion dogs are walked not only for the sake of maintaining their physical condition, but also for the sake of socialization. The more such a dog will run, play and communicate with relatives, the better. It is extremely important to train and raise such a dog from puppyhood.
Choose a dog based on your work schedule and daily routine. If you spend a lot of time outside the house and cannot walk with the dog for a long time, it is better to get a small and inactive dog (Chihuahua, pug, Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese lapdog, etc.).
- Age
You need to walk with babies often, but not for long: 4-6 times a day for 10-15 minutes. This is due to the fact that puppies do not yet know how to control their natural urges and adjust to the schedule. But the older the four-legged becomes, the less there should be a number of walks, but more time for each exit from the house.
On average, they walk with adults 2-3 times a day. They can tolerate 10-12 hours until the next trip to the toilet.
But pay attention, everything is purely individual. There are dogs who may want to use the toilet again 5 hours after walking. Then you need to adapt to the characteristics of your pet’s body.
- Period of estrus, pregnancy, lactation
Walk the fertile females as usual, but slightly adjust your way out. First of all, a running dog attracts a lot of unnecessary attention from males, so leave the house 1-2 hours earlier or later than other dog owners. Secondly, try to walk in quiet places where there are no other four-legged animals. And, of course, do not allow uncontrolled mating.
Pregnant females can be taken outside more often, up to 3-4 times a day, because The uterus presses on the bladder, and the dog wants to use the toilet more often.
Nursing dogs are walked as usual, except that they wear special clothing to protect the nipples from damage.
- Weather conditions and season
In the summer heat, it is better to walk dogs in the morning and in the evening: until 12 o’clock and after sunset (or when it just starts to set).
In the cold season, stay outdoors should be reduced so that the pet does not have time to freeze and catch a cold. If your dog is very cold, you can purchase clothing for him.
Look at the condition of your ward. If you see that he is cold, hot, or does not feel delighted with the walk, it is better to go home.
- Diseases
Much depends on the diagnosis of the dog. Pets with infections should be isolated from other dogs. The time spent in the fresh air depends on the well-being of the wet-nosed person, but in any case, walks should not be long.
In case of cardiovascular diseases, fresh air will be very beneficial for the dog. It is worth walking in a measured and leisurely way, but if the pet wants to run a little, you should not interfere with it. However, at the first sign of malaise, it is better to stop exercising.
Diseases of the genitourinary system require frequent going outside, because the dog may want to go to the toilet “in a small way” more often than usual. In this case, the number of exits to the street increases up to 6 times.
With problems of the musculoskeletal system, physical activity is prohibited: running, jumping, performing tricks, etc. Limit yourself to a leisurely walk.
Be sure to supervise your sick pet and follow all of your veterinarian’s recommendations for walking.
- Your free time
You need to walk the dog for 40 minutes and 2 times a day – this is the minimum. And this is if you are a busy person and do not have free time. Otherwise, walk with your pet as much as you want, even all day! The main thing is that this time is enough for both of you to play enough, chat and get tired.
And what time do you need to walk with the dog in the morning?

Sometimes you can hear statements that the first walk with the dog should take place very early, around 5 or 6 in the morning. This is actually a myth. If you accustom your dog to your schedule, it will humbly endure until the time is convenient for you. Of course, if you have to be at work at 7 in the morning and no one except you can walk with the dog, you will have to leave the house at 5. But if not, with a clear conscience, allow yourself and your dog to sleep.
It doesn’t matter what time you go out with the dog. Much more important are the rituals through which the dog adapts to you.
It doesn’t matter what time you go out with the dog. Much more important are the rituals through which the dog adapts to you. For example, before a walk, you and your pet must have breakfast, do exercises, then give each other “five” and after that you are going outside.
So the dog will understand after what action you will go for a walk with it. It is very important for pets to live according to a predictable and precise routine.
We hope that we have answered all the questions that raised your doubts. Take care of yourself and your favorite ponytails!