Most Popular Dog Myths

Most Popular Dog Myths

Dogs not only became our closest friends and companions, for many they are the only close creatures in the world. This is not good, not bad, it just happens. 

Accustomed to humans in ancient times, they learned to understand our language and gestures. They, sometimes, before we ourselves understand what we need, predict desires. You can talk to them about everything, they will not reveal the most intimate secrets to anyone.

A dog is a friend and companion with the intelligence of a 5-year-old child. It completely depends on us, so let’s be more attentive and responsible. To begin with, we will debunk the myths, believing in which you can harm your devoted friend.

Myth 1. The dog also loves the New Year!

Not! This is a holiday for you and me, but not for a pet! It is not true that he also loves to walk on New Year’s Eve and enjoys the general holiday.

The dog does not like the New Year. She’s afraid of him!

Loud shots of fireworks, sharp claps of firecrackers, shouting of people – all this is insanely scary for a dog. In horror, she breaks off the leash (if they went out with her on a leash) and runs wherever her eyes look. It’s good if they find you right away and take you home. And some wander then for several weeks, and do not always come back.

So please don’t play with fate – don’t go outside with your dog on New Year’s Eve. In the evening, until 20.00, we went out with the dog on a leash, quickly did everything – and go home! At home, the dog should have a quiet secluded place in which he will wait until the end of the holiday. 

Myth 2. If a dog wags its tail, it is glad!

Not always. With the help of the tail, the dog shows its mood, state and intention. The tail can tell a lot about the current state of the dog. This is joy, excitement, fear and anxiety. The main thing to understand, tail wagging is the interaction of the dog with the outside world. Seeing you, she not only wags her tail from side to side, but her pelvis also moves in the same direction – this is an unconditional joy from meeting you. 

But if the dog has lowered its tail and wags it slightly between the legs, it means that it is scared. If the dog is agitated, he holds his tail high and wags it intensively. 

Myth 3. A dry nose is a sign of illness!

It has long been believed that a healthy dog’s nose should be moist and cold. And if it is dry, then this is probably a sign of illness. In fact, a dry nose can be for many reasons!

First, in a dream. While the dog sleeps, it does not lick its lips, so it wakes up with a dry nose.

Secondly, if you run or play a lot with your dog, then from such activities it may be dehydrated, which will also lead to a dry nose. 

Thirdly, weather conditions contribute to the drying out of the nose: sun, wind or cold. As well as lying near the battery. 

Fourth, dry nose occurs in older dogs.

Myth 4. It is useful for a dog to give birth once.

A common misconception imposed by unscrupulous veterinarians and breeders. In fact, pregnancy and childbirth do not add to the health of the dog, it is very stressful for her. 

If your dog is not of breeding value, it is worth spaying.

Sterilization at a young age reduces the likelihood of developing breast and uterine cancer. Did you know that the number of animals with cancer – both dogs and cats – has increased several times in recent years? And the treatment of such an animal is both expensive and futile. 

Your dog will live longer and more comfortable if spayed. Believe me, this will not affect her cheerful spirit and cheerful character!

Myth 5. There are “fighting” dogs – and they are very angry!

There are two myths at once. First: the concept of “fighting dogs” is incorrect, such dogs do not exist. There are breeds that were once used for dog fights. But dog fighting in our country is prohibited by law, and many other countries have followed the path of developing a humane society. 

The second myth is that representatives of these breeds are bloodthirsty. But these are the same dogs, like any others. How the pet will be formed depends on the upbringing, care and behavior of the owner. We know a lot of examples where dogs belonging to the so-called “fighting” breeds behave like soft felt boots and allow small children to ride themselves like a horse.

Myth 6. Dogs are color blind.

Scientists have proven that dogs can distinguish all colors except red and green. But gray appears to them in a large number of shades: almost fifty! Dogs’ eyesight is much sharper than that of humans. They see our world with you in increased sharpness. 

Myth 7. Bones are good for a dog.

Neither chicken, pork, nor beef bones can be food for your dog. The bone is not completely digested and can damage the stomach or esophagus. But you can give cartilage: they are easily chewed and absorbed. A dog’s diet should consist of a balanced food, and as a treat and entertainment, you can give your pet a nibble from pet stores. 

Myth 8. If a dog eats grass, it is treated.

Not certainly in that way. Dogs sometimes eat juicy greens to clear their stomachs. But sometimes they gladly eat grass, berries from bushes and a green tail from carrots, because they just taste good. But many veterinarians warn that the pet should not be allowed to get involved in the grass. Sometimes it is not absorbed and damages the digestive tract.

Myth 9. Food from the owner’s table is the most delicious and healthy.

The digestive tract works differently in a dog. What is good for a person is not very good for her. 

Some owners prefer to feed their dogs a natural food – porridge with meat. But then vegetables should be added to the diet so that the food is balanced. 

It is better not to experiment on the health of your pet, but to feed it with ready-made feeds, where the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals is correct. 

10. If a dog has a dark sky, it is angry.

More than half of dogs have dark pigment on the palate. It depends on color and heredity. And it has nothing to do with character, aggressiveness or anger!

And in general, there is no concept – an angry dog. There is a dog that is scared, stressed, emotional, nervous, traumatized, but not angry. What kind of character she is and what her habits are, depends only on the people who surround her.

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